Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 1347
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Institute of Development Management
Main Partner Program: Botswana
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS
Total Funding: $120,851

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $120,851

Result: increased access to and availability of VCT services; integrate VCT in selected FBO/CBO/NGO

services; increased demand and utilization of HCT services through community mobilization and social

marketing activities

Input: In several communities in the northeast of Botswana (Selebi-Phikwe and Bobirwa), over 70% of

pregnant women aged 25-29 are infected with HIV. Yet most people in these communities are not utilizing

counseling and testing from VCT centers or routine testing from public health facilities. In light of this major

concern, HHS/CDC/BOTUSA is planning a large intervention that will eventually test large numbers of

people (~20,000) in these communities for HIV in their own homes, and provide counseling and referral to

HIV treatment centers. To understand how these plans can be implemented most effectively, and to test

them in an actual community setting, a public health agency will be selected to run a pilot program. The

selection will be by competitive bidding. In running the pilot program, the agency will collaborate closely

with BOTUSA and its partners.

Activities/Outputs: The selected grantee will be responsible for development of training materials,

promotional information, counseling and testing protocols and procurement of HIV test kits for home-based

testing and counseling. Counseling and testing protocols will be field tested by testing 1000 individuals in

their homes. Volunteers and PLWHAs will be involved in sensitizing the communities about the service and

liaising with community leaders to prepare schedules for home-based testing. HIV prevalence will likely be

very high in this community. Therefore, the grantee will ensure that referral directories, forms and

procedures are in place to facilitate referral to treatment, care and support. Follow up and transportation of

people referred will be provided to ensure they actually receive services. The grantee will document lessons

learned from the pilot and begin preparations for taking the intervention to scale.

Outcome: The pilot HCT intervention will provide lessons that will inform possible large-scale rollout of

home-based testing in these hard-hit areas of Botswana. For Batswana who receive counseling and testing

thorugh the pilot, referrals will be made to treatment, care and support facilities for those who learn they are

infected. Those who learn they have negative HIV-status will receive prevention counseling and be helped

to develop risk reduction plans focusing on reduction of sexual partners.

July 13, 2005: Project delayed (protocol development and clearance). We will only be able to do the pilot

phase during this fiscal year.